November Tsel Untung! Get a 1.5% Cashback from Tsel Revenue
7 November 2022
Sell phone credit and get cashback?! Yes, you can!
Sell Tsel phone credit with a min. denom 20.000 in November, you will get a cashback 1.5% from your Tsel phone credit sells with a min. denom 20.000!
Follow the terms and conditions here:
Sell Tsel phone credit with a min. denom 20.000 during the program period (1 - 30 November 2022)
For 30 PIC with the highest revenue of Tsel phone credit with a min. denom 20.000, will get a cashback and we will send the cashback as Klikoo balance
The cashback nominal is 1.5% of Tsel phone credit revenue with a min. denom 20.000
Cashback will be send to your Klikoo balance latest on 5 December 2022
This program is limited only for Tsel phone credit with a min. denom 20.000 starts from 1-30 November 2022! Let's sell Tsel phone credit ASAP and get the cashback!
Unduh Aku dan mulailah menghasilkan lebih banyak sekarang!
Tingkatkan penghasilan bulananmu jutaan kali lipat dengan transaksi PPOB
Dapatkan Info terbaru dari Klikoo dengan tinggalkan nomor telepon kamu.
oleh Pintar Ventura Pertama
Treasury Tower, Lantai 31, District 8 SCBD Lot. 28, Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav 52-53, Kecamatan Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan 12190